Mann Engineering Student Center

In the spring of 2004, the J. Robert Mann Engineering Student Center (gift of Bob Mann ‘51BE) was “Opened as an intellectual, cultural, and social meeting place for engineering students and friends,” a mission that it carries to today through the support of SEAS staff, students, and Office of the Dean.

How to reserve the Mann Engineering Student Center (Dunham 107)

Reservation policies for:

  1. SEAS students & student groups

    1. Free to reserve any time

  2. Non-SEAS students & student groups

    1. $50 fee to reserve

  3. SEAS staff, departments

    1. $50 hourly, 2 hour minimum

  4. Other Yale group and entities

    1. $100 hourly, 2 hour minimum

Additional $50 hourly fee to use the coffee machine for non-SEAS student events. All fees paid to the Mann Center fund, used for upkeep and longer-term goals of the Mann Center Student Associates. Contact to set up payment and/or with questions. Room set up and clean up are the responsibilities of the reserving party.

How to reserve the Center

  1. Check the reservation calendar for availability

  2. On your personal Yale Google calendar, create a new event 

    1. Add a title

    2. Select your requested reservation time

    3. Add the following Calendar ID email as a guest


    4. Add a 1-2 sentence description, including Yale affiliation, number of expected guests, and whether there will be food/drink at the event

    5. Select ‘Save’

      1. When prompted with the following request, select ‘Send’

  3. In a day or two, you will receive an email notifying you if your reservation was accepted or denied with a reason via a response to the Calendar invitation

    1. An approved event will show the Mann Engineering Student Center as a confirmed attendee on your Google calendar event

  4. When your reservation time arrives, politely ask anyone in the space to leave on account of your reservation. 

    1. It’s also recommended that you write “Room reserved”, or similar, on a wheeling white board and station it outside the door to notify others and prevent them from stumbling in on your reserved event.

How to change or cancel your reservation

  1. On the Google Calendar invite, select ‘Edit Event’ & enter the new time or ‘Delete Event’

    1. An edited time will require re-approval but will be re-approved if the event is the same as before and the new time is not already booked

    2. When prompted with the following request, select ‘Send’